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Belleric Myrobalan (Bahera)


Bahera is a very useful remedy for avoiding cough and cold naturally. Bibhitaki powder mixed with honey will treat a cough and cold effectively. It also releives the symptoms of a sore throat.

Belleric Myrobalan or Bahera acts as an immunity booster and is beleived to increase longevity when the powder of the dried herb is fried in ghee and consumed regularly.

Botanical name Terminalia bellirica 
Common name Belleric Myrobalan, Bedda Nut 
Hindi Bahera, Bahuvirya, Karshphal 
Gujarati Veheda, Beda
Kannada Taarekaayi, Tode
Konkani Goting 
Malayalam Thaanni 
Marathi Beheda, Bibhītaka 
Punjabi Bahera, Bayrah
Sanskrit Bibhitaki, Vibhitaki, Karshaphala, Kalidruma
Tamil Tanri 
Telugu Bhutavasamu, Tani, Karshaphalamu, Tandrachettu 
Urdu Bahera

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